Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Why is it that one day you can be the happiest person in the world and not even a day later, your whole world just feels empty? That's what I'm feeling like lately. Summertime started with my birthday and a recent move into my own place. Which was all very exciting for me, it's been something I really wanted to do. I'm living with a few good friends of mine and we all get along just like a family. Like a family, so much so, that I was named the son of the house. Partly because of behavior and partly because I was the only one without a girlfriend in the house yet. This aside, living in the new house has been pretty much I've expected it to be so far. I can't say that I'd ask for much more. During the early parts of our new move I had reconnected with a female friend from high school. We chatted a little and got along well, catching up on everything. I hadn't really thought much about this until we decided to hang out, and then it was a date. So we dated and hung out quite a bit, quite a bit so much that I was almost never home. Then once I finally thought it was going to work out, we made it official. As quickly as it started it was all over. That was it. This is where I am now and I don't really know how to express myself, so I'm writing this. For some reason this relationship ending so abruptly has really hit me hard. I didn't think so at first, but this morning I found myself thinking a lot about it. I'm not asking for advice and I don't know that I'm asking for her back. I don't really know what I want, but when you break up because of something that you had 0% to do with, it really hurts. Sorry this has to be such a sorry sounding and gloomy blog, I just needed to write about this. It's been a mixed bag of emotions that came with this break up and I fought the break up to the best of my ability, mainly because it was something I had no control over. I wanted to be there to help her and I wanted to help her get through things, but it sounded like I was just more of a burden to her and that we would get back together when it all ends (who knows if that's true). I was angry and tried to push my emotions of away and also sad. I feel bad for her in the sense of all the things she has to go through and but it also doesn't feel fair to me, to just throw everything away. Some might say I'm making too big a deal of this and "it's just a girl", but if that was the case, then there wouldn't be all these emotions right now. So, that's my blog today....I don't know that there is much more to say, but to just wait and see. Maybe it's best to just forget about it and move on, or maybe I should wait it out a little bit, but then again I might just be wasting my time to get hurt again. What a fucking world.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Break out the Hardware

      Cause it's GAME TIME!!! I'm a gamer at heart, so when I stray from what I enjoy it tends to eat away at me. Just recently I've returned from my couple of month or so hiatus away from video games. I had noticed that more and more on a daily basis I was checking IGN to see what new games were approaching, but I wasn't playing anything!! Why not? It just didn't seem like there was anything good to play and so much other stuff I was doing. Like work, and playing Magic, and work, and... more work. Time to pick up something new and start playing again! I've been so happy to start playing games and I started off with a game I wasn't sure that I would like. I actually bought this game for my sister's birthday, but I hadn't really had an interest in playing it.

Kirby's Epic Yarn
I haven't actually finished the game yet, because a game came out that I had been eagerly awaiting. However this game takes your typical Kirby game formula and mixes it up into a really fun game. No more Copying ability which is disappointing, but now you can become some other cool new transformations at specific points in levels. The game seems a bit short, which is why I decided to start it in the first place, no obligation to a long term game so I could play some of the new ones I was expecting. However that was not the case since this game has a rating system for each level and I'm determined to complete every little challenge and earn gold on each level (thats my inner OCD speaking out there, haha). Basically Kirby gets turned into yarn and the whole world around him and you have to save it, all the while satisfying other ridiculous challenges like decorating a house and finding weird objects inside of levels. This game is a lot of fun though and I look forward to completing it and seeing if there is any bonus content for getting 100%, as I know I will.
Probably my favorite boss so far has been this crazy squid thing, he's pretty cool. 

The game I absolutely love and have not been able to pull myself away from is definitely
de Blob 2
I fell in love with the first game in this series and the style of game play. It's a very innovative way of creating a platformer. The game takes platforming and gives you a giant blanc city canvas for each level to paint. The more you paint, the more the music picks up too. A nice jazzy beat accompany's the games levels, that starts off soft and picks up to a rocking pace once you've almost completed the level. There are also a lot of challenges to complete per level which give you a total ranking of C, B, A or S (which really looks like a Greek letter of some sort), you get the S if you did everything in the level. Overall each level takes  a couple of hours to complete. I think I've beaten 6 levels and logged at least 10 hours of play. Plus its got this great like anti-communist sort of theme to the story which makes it interesting.
The Ink't Corporation Uprising, a.k.a Communism
Of course then you have the Nintendo 3DS which is coming out in about 3 weeks and i cannot wait for!! There is so much cool stuff packed into that system, it's going to be awesome! Getting back on the subject of games however this weekend we have the brand new Pokemon Black & White games coming out. I attempted to play this on a emulator, but it just didn't feel right and I know a few friends of mine who have beaten it on the emulator. I'm still planning on getting this game for DS to play through it. It's going to be like starting a brand new pokemon game too, since every pokemon until after the Elite 4 is brand new. No old pokemon mixed in until after you've beaten the main story. I'd have to say thats probably what I'm most looking forward to, a fresh start on an old, but fantastic series.

Another game that any of you looking for a good one is Batman Arkham Asylum. An all around good game, great combat system and keeps you playing for hours. I had a lot of fun with that game and am really looking forward to the sequel coming in september, Arham City. Should be good.

So that's all I got for ya'll today. Until next time. Comment below and leave feedback if there is any ideas or suggestions you have for future blogs. Thanks and see ya later!

Monday, January 24, 2011

My First (Non-Football Related; Non-Introduction) Blog!!

Welcome one and all to the circus inside my brain. I have some interesting tidbits for you all today! I've finally decided to write a real blog (that isn't entirely related to football!!). I guess my reasoning behind finally wanting to do this is all the swirling ridiculous thoughts that are flowing through my brain. I feel like I just need to get some of it out.
What has become of my life so far? I'm 22, went to college and graduated and am working two jobs, and currently still living at home. Not an ideal life, but not one I wouldn't rather have. It's quite enjoyable on most occasions. I go out all the time and play MTG with some good buddies of mine, drive around random places, or just hang out. It's the good life I guess. But I don't just want this to be a bio about me. Lately I've been doing a lot of thinking. Thinking about life. Which is weird. I've developed an extraordinary love for a card game that I once said I would never touch. I find myself constantly looking up the next new cards and preparing new and interesting (or mostly hated) decks. Its surprisingly a lot more fun than I would have ever imagined. Which makes me think, where I am at now, I'm far more a nerd than I would've ever thought I'd become. I guess I never said to myself, "I'm going to be a nerd!" I don't know why I would have ever said that, but it's become a lifestyle that I would never change. It's far too interesting and I think we have more inside jokes than anyone could ever fathom.
I'm also considering moving out too, and I'm really excited about that. Moving out is one of those things I'm excited about now, but how will it actually be once it happens? Will it live up to the hype? I hope so.
Sometimes I wish I could just go back and relive my childhood though. I remember many occasion where I would go out and ride my bike without care or traverse the woods for the thrill of adventure. However being an adult isn't nearly as bad as I had imagined it as a kid. It's really not bad at all. You just can't lose the kid inside you or else then I feel like it would become boring. It's really interesting how my interests have changed too since growing up. I remember being a kid in the 90's and my favorite type of music was Backstreet Boys, now I can't stand them and only really listen to Rock/Alternative/Metal, anything along that genre. Not only that, but what I find interesting now is a lot different than when I was a kid, but sometimes a lot alike.
I guess....
I don't really know where I'm going with this. On the internet I suppose. To entertain. Hopefully. Maybe there doesn't have to be a point, just as with life. You just need to do what you do and enjoy it. If you go around hating everything and not doing what you like then you wont be that happy. Which wouldn't be very enjoyable. I feel like everyone should have their fair chance at happiness. But I also feel like happiness is what you make of it, you can't be unhappy and just not do anything about it. Otherwise you'll never be happy. Wow, I used 'happy' a lot in that last paragraph.
Alright, well this is just a stab in the dark as to what my blog will be.
To bid farewell I leave you with my football pick for the Superbowl, go Packers!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Football Week 12 -- Turkey Day Edition!!

Welcome all to another fun filled edition to my Blog, still about football of course. This weeks analysis comes as a request from my fellow football friend, Sara! So since I have a little motivation to write another blog (and of course I can't resist talking (writing) about football I shall oblige!! As we all know this is the week in which the day of Giving Thanks is celebrated, or as most like to call it, Thanksgiving! So grab a drumstick, some stuffing and maybe some mashed potatoes, because we have some football to look at. Yeah Joey.

So this week we are a little more than halfway through the regular season of football and a lot has been accomplished and shaped. This time around instead of going into each division one-by-one, I'll just give my top teams from each Conference and the teams that are statistically speaking, eliminated from playoff contention. So think of this week as more of a highlight reel of my analysis. Lets get this show on the road.

AFC Top 6 Teams
6. San Diego Chargers
Only being a mere 5-5 and still not leading the division I still see the Chargers winning their division and making the playoffs. They're lead by Phillip Rivers and a firecracker running back, Mike Tolbert. Kansas City may hold the tie breaker and the division lead, but they are starting to plummet, which I think will begin to spell the beginning of the end for them. I see the Chargers as the favorite here after their stomping of the Broncos last night. 

5. Indianapolis Colts
A few bumps in the road have put the Colts in 2nd place behind the Jaguars?! This is a tough division to be playing in with 3/4 teams over .500. However the Colts are still the Colts and they should be able to make the playoffs. 

4. Pittsburgh Steelers
It seems like everyone in the AFC that is usually the best in their division has a loss to the one team that is the Patriots. The Steelers are fighting with Baltimore for the division lead and they should both make it in, but Pittsburgh needs to step up their game if they want to be a real threat. That shouldn't be a problem for them however. 

3. Baltimore Ravens
This is a team that has really finally started to show its true colors. I think they should at least make the Conference game in the playoffs, but the road will be tough. Their defense needs to start proving its the defense everyone thought it was. The offense is good on the ground and they have acquired some weapons for the air as well. The Ravens are a threat. 

2. New York Jets
Having proven they are the team to beat in the AFC with the last 3 games being won in the final 10 seconds, the Jets are a power team all around. They are currently tied with NE for first and hold the tie breaker with a win over them as well. Mark Sanchez has proven to be the same QB he was seen as last year. Acquiring Santonio Holmes was also a very good off season move. Good luck getting past these brutes. 

1. New England Patriots
Lead by Tom Brady and an arsenal of both running and passing weapons the New England Patriots look like the Pats of old and have stepped up to stay in a tie for the lead of AFC East with the Jets. This team seems Superbowl bound and with the fire in their eyes I don't think anyone will stop the "Belichick Bulldozers".

NFC Top 7 Teams
7. Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Although they aren't in 1st or 2nd in the division I still think they have a legitimate shot at making the playoffs. It will take a win over either the Saints or Atlanta to get back in the division hunt, but don't count them out yet. 

6. New York Giants
Turnovers, turnovers, and more turnovers. This has to stop if they hope to be the threat everyone thought they were. The Giants aren't a bad team, but they need to get their game back in shape if they are going to go far. They still have a chance, they're aren't out yet, with just a few saddening loses. They also seem to be injury plagued, but that hasn't held them back before. 

5. New Orleans Saints
The former Superbowl champions are sitting in second place in one of the most competitive divisions in the league, but don't think they won't try to make the playoffs still. They have a really good chance, I just think they can do a little bit better. 

4. Chicago Bears
The Bears lead their division with a tie break over the Packers and have one of the best records in the league. They seem to have been a little up and down, but I'm starting to think they can go far.

3. Green Bay Packers
The packers are finally starting to get over injuries and seem to be a very good team in the making. They will make the playoffs and give people a lot of problems, following behind their awe-inspiring QB Rodgers.

2. Philadelphia Eagles
The Eagles have been playing some of their best football as of late. They are lead by an all around QB, Michael Vick. If he doesn't throw the ball past you,1 he'll be running it down the sidelines by you. They are a team to watch out for and will be a serious contender come playoff time. 

1. Atlanta Falcons
The Falcons have shown the most improvement and passion of any team in the NFL. They seem almost unbeatable and with everyone of their game aspects pose a problem for any team that gets in their way. Watch out for them come playoffs, they will definitely be in the Conference Championship game. 

So those are the teams I see as the top teams in the AFC and NFC. At the last week of the season I will give you my playoff scenario, so until then ciao!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Football Analysis After Five Weeks of Mayhem

So, it's finally time for my first official blog, that is not an introduction. I figure what better way to start things off than with one of my favorite topics to write about. FOOTBALL!!

We are five weeks complete with the NFL season and everything is chaotic at this point. Frankly, I'm loving this nonsensicalness. I find that it makes things a lot more interesting when everything is chaos and no one team really stands above the rest. Thats not exactly a true statement since there are a few teams that are standing out...a little. Not the way they should be though. Some teams are teams we would have never expected to see doing this kind of thing, take the Chiefs for instance. They started 3-0, went into a bye, came back and played Peyton and the Colts and held them to only field goals until late in the third quarter. This team is finally starting to look like a team again, after how many sub par seasons? Too many to count in my mind. Another reason I like talking more about football this year, is because I've finally went ahead and got into the Fantasy Football frenzy. I'm lovin' it, as they say. Starting 4-1 is not bad for my first season and I hope to prosper to a division champion and a possible playoff contender. I know my team isn't exactly great, but I think I picked the right players and can get pretty far with them. It adds a whole other level to the game when you have to scout players and keep track of stats.Or if you are like Billy you can pick all the players with interesting names and/or went to Liberty and then not touch your team for the entire season, without a starting QB for the first five weeks!

So lets get into my breakdown of the NFL. I'll go by division and then give you my top ten teams.

AFC East
The Jets lead here and are clearly a dominate team this season. They have a lot of weapons they can take advantage of, as well as a defense that has yet to allow a rusher more than 100 yards in a game. LT is clearly going to be a factor in the Jets run game against what was said about his career almost being over. The Jets also have Mark Sanchez (The Sanchize) who has yet to throw a pick this season. They're a solid team and my pick for the Division winner. New England and Miami are both not too far behind (actually NE is only in second because they had a bye week already), so I can see one of these teams becoming the Division leader or a Wildcard into the playoffs. New England made a stupid short term move, but great long term move in trading Randy Moss and picking up a 3rd round draft pick. Tom Brady has been looking as good as ever for this New England team and is clearly fired up and ready to add another ring to his collection. The Miami Dolphins are another story. While their 72' counterparts have already popped the bubbly after only five weeks, I do not believe this Miami team will make the playoffs. They have what will become a great team in the next few seasons, but I think they need to work a few things out first. Then we have my team and clearly one of the hardest teams to be a fan of, The Buffalo Bills. An 0-5 start means no playoffs this year (not that I had even thought we were close yet). The Bills dropped their starting QB of three seasons last week and made Fitzpatrick the starter, but this team needs a complete overhaul. I'm pretty sure every fan out their has accepted losing as a way of life when it comes to being a Bills fan. So to them, good luck next season. In my personal opinion this one of, if not the toughest division in the league.

AFC North
Baltimore is making a statement right now by setting themselves atop the AFC North Division right at this moment. A team lead by a great running back, Ray Rice and an efficient QB Joe Flacco, that also has the #1 pass defense in the league. I like the Raven's chances amongst a division with little other threat aside from the Pittsburgh Steelers. The Steelers will be looking to re-establish themselves as a dominant force with the return of Ben Roethlisburger this week. They play Cleveland who will pose an interesting matchup, but should be a win for them. The Bengals however who are now sitting at 2-3 do not look at all like the Bengals who swept the division last season and made a run in the playoffs. I think the dynamic duo on that team of Chad Ochocinco and Terrell Owens will have to wait another season to see a next playoff birth. The we have the Browns who have gone through 3 QB's already this season and are now about to start their rookie draft pick. I think they will have a little work to get done to become a tough team again.

AFC South
We have a lot of contenders in the division with a four way tie for first place. I will be curious to see how things play out here with the Colts already down two divisional games. Force once I actually do not seeing the Colts winning this division. Houston looked like a solid team, until they took a beating from the Giants, of all teams. I do not see this as their downfall, but they need to keep things in order if they want to see their first ever playoff birth. The Jaguars I think are the fluke 3-2 team in this division. That record does not resemble to me what I've seen played on the field. The Tennessee Titans however are going to give any team in this division a run for their money as to who makes the playoffs. I think we will just need to let things play out in this division, but I like the Titans or the Texans as the winner here.

AFC West
"The Chiefs!?!?! THE CHIEFS??!"  As Boomer said on Sportscenter, I think this describes most of our reactions to the team currently reigning out West. This is a team as I said before, that is actually starting to look like a TEAM. The Oakland Raiders currently trail at 2nd in here, which is surprising since they're in the same division as San Diego and Denver! Oakland snapped a 13 game losing streak to the Chargers and won last week to move to 2-3. The Chargers seem to be playing very poorly from what we have expected of them. Hopefully this turns around, because that team has the potential to be a Superbowl team. Denver is also playing very mediocre and I just don't know how to even comment on them. I don't think we'll being seeing them this post season.

NFC East
This division is in all sorts of disarray. The Giants are currently looking like the best team along side the Eagles right now. They certainly put a hurting on the Texans last week, so this could lead them to another playoff run. The Eagles are good and will be even better in a few weeks with the return of Michael Vick. They have a great receiving core and a fantastic running back. Don't count out the Washington Redskins either. They are holding their own for once. They are also looking like they could make the playoffs. Behind their new found leader, Mr. McNabb this team could get there. The Cowboys....the cowboys...ugh...the cowboys. Where do I start? They have the resources to be what could be an awesome team, but just cannot seem to get the job done. Sorry Boys, but I don't see the playoffs in your future.

NFC North
DA BEARS!! The Bears currently lead the north with a 4-1 record that could easily be 2-3 record. They will need to really start asserting themselves as they did this past week to hold strong. The Packers have taken a huge hit in the injury department and I'm not so sure they will still make the playoffs. This all depends on how the Vikings decide they want to do things, sitting at 1-3 behind the scandalous Bret Favre. This is a few too many loses in a division with this many other threats. They just need to start playing consistently and maybe try a different QB. The Lions are finally starting to show some fire, but their only win comes over the Rams in a 44-6 creaming! I don't see the playoffs anywhere nearby, but they can still become a good team over the next 4 to 5 years. Hopefully sooner for all you Lions fans out there.
NFC South
Surprisingly enough the defending Superbowl champions are not leading this division. They aren't even in second place!! They sit in third at 3-2 behind the Bucs and the division leading Atlanta Falcons. Atlanta is a shocking team in my opinion to see leading this division. They seem to be playing very well behind QB Matt Ryan. Tampa Bay also has found some glory this year and may take it far enough. There have been some lucky wins in the closing minutes for them, but I think they have a shot. The Saints are not out yet by any means, but will need to get their act together after losing to Arizona this past week.  Lets not even talk about the 0-5 Panthers.

NFC West
This to me is the worst division in the league. With only the leading Arizona Cardinals sitting above 500, its hard to even see a lot of hope for any teams here. Seattle and St. Louis will get better over time with their young and upstarting teams, but are only playing a little below average right now. The winless 49ers are a huge disappointment to a lot of fans who were hoping for a playoff appearance, but within their division even at 0-5, they may still have a shot. We will see.

Power 10 -- Top 10 Football Teams in NFL
10. Tennessee Titans
9.   New England Patriots
8.   Tampa Bay Buccaneers
7.   Pittsburgh Steelers
6.   Washington Redskins
5.   Green Bay Packers
4.   New York Giants
3.   Kansas City Chiefs
2.   Baltimore Ravens
1.   New York Jets

So thats my take on the NFL after the first five weeks of chaos! Here is my Fantasy lineup I'll be playing this week, for anyone interested.
QB -- Eli Manning
RB -- Michael Bush
RB -- Adrian Peterson
RB -- Marshawn Lynch
WR -- Brylon Edwards
WR -- Wes Welker
TE -- Dallas Clark
K  -- Graham Gano
DST -- Green Bay Packers

I hope everyone gets something good out of this post and if you have any feedback I will more than happily accept it. Thanks, it's been real!

Monday, September 27, 2010


Well hello there. If you're just joining me, well then you haven't missed anything yet. Welcome to my blogging space. I am very new at this, so most of my blogs will probably sound pretty stupid at first. So let me move on and get to telling you a little about myself.

My name is Anthony.

I have never done any blogging before, so instead of telling you about myself I shall let this go as more of an open forum. Ask me questions that you would like to know about me and I shall answer them to the best of my knowledge.

I'm really only doing this introduction Blog to get into the blogs I really want to write up.

What you can expect to find on my blogs will be thoughts that come into my mind on a day to day or week to week basis. Analysis of football or other related sport topics that I enjoy giving my opinion on (and have been asked to give my opinion on.). Analysis of life in general from my point of view.

I hope you enjoy my blogs and hope to be doing this for a long while, since it seems like fun.

Thank you and welcome!