Friday, March 4, 2011

Break out the Hardware

      Cause it's GAME TIME!!! I'm a gamer at heart, so when I stray from what I enjoy it tends to eat away at me. Just recently I've returned from my couple of month or so hiatus away from video games. I had noticed that more and more on a daily basis I was checking IGN to see what new games were approaching, but I wasn't playing anything!! Why not? It just didn't seem like there was anything good to play and so much other stuff I was doing. Like work, and playing Magic, and work, and... more work. Time to pick up something new and start playing again! I've been so happy to start playing games and I started off with a game I wasn't sure that I would like. I actually bought this game for my sister's birthday, but I hadn't really had an interest in playing it.

Kirby's Epic Yarn
I haven't actually finished the game yet, because a game came out that I had been eagerly awaiting. However this game takes your typical Kirby game formula and mixes it up into a really fun game. No more Copying ability which is disappointing, but now you can become some other cool new transformations at specific points in levels. The game seems a bit short, which is why I decided to start it in the first place, no obligation to a long term game so I could play some of the new ones I was expecting. However that was not the case since this game has a rating system for each level and I'm determined to complete every little challenge and earn gold on each level (thats my inner OCD speaking out there, haha). Basically Kirby gets turned into yarn and the whole world around him and you have to save it, all the while satisfying other ridiculous challenges like decorating a house and finding weird objects inside of levels. This game is a lot of fun though and I look forward to completing it and seeing if there is any bonus content for getting 100%, as I know I will.
Probably my favorite boss so far has been this crazy squid thing, he's pretty cool. 

The game I absolutely love and have not been able to pull myself away from is definitely
de Blob 2
I fell in love with the first game in this series and the style of game play. It's a very innovative way of creating a platformer. The game takes platforming and gives you a giant blanc city canvas for each level to paint. The more you paint, the more the music picks up too. A nice jazzy beat accompany's the games levels, that starts off soft and picks up to a rocking pace once you've almost completed the level. There are also a lot of challenges to complete per level which give you a total ranking of C, B, A or S (which really looks like a Greek letter of some sort), you get the S if you did everything in the level. Overall each level takes  a couple of hours to complete. I think I've beaten 6 levels and logged at least 10 hours of play. Plus its got this great like anti-communist sort of theme to the story which makes it interesting.
The Ink't Corporation Uprising, a.k.a Communism
Of course then you have the Nintendo 3DS which is coming out in about 3 weeks and i cannot wait for!! There is so much cool stuff packed into that system, it's going to be awesome! Getting back on the subject of games however this weekend we have the brand new Pokemon Black & White games coming out. I attempted to play this on a emulator, but it just didn't feel right and I know a few friends of mine who have beaten it on the emulator. I'm still planning on getting this game for DS to play through it. It's going to be like starting a brand new pokemon game too, since every pokemon until after the Elite 4 is brand new. No old pokemon mixed in until after you've beaten the main story. I'd have to say thats probably what I'm most looking forward to, a fresh start on an old, but fantastic series.

Another game that any of you looking for a good one is Batman Arkham Asylum. An all around good game, great combat system and keeps you playing for hours. I had a lot of fun with that game and am really looking forward to the sequel coming in september, Arham City. Should be good.

So that's all I got for ya'll today. Until next time. Comment below and leave feedback if there is any ideas or suggestions you have for future blogs. Thanks and see ya later!